Important notice: Start of cadastral registration for the properties located on the Greek Islands of the Cyclades and in Crete.

The Greek National Cadastre, which was instituted in 1995, is a unified and constantly updated record of legal, technical and other rights and information regarding immovable properties situated in Greece and it aims to create a modern registration system and to replace the previously existing system of registration at the Mortgage Registries, ensuring publicity and security of transactions.

The process of cadastral registration has been undergoing in Greece already for several years now and it is effected per geographic region in phases.
In several regions the process has already been completed, and the National Cadastre is in operation, whilst in others the registration has not yet begun.

Recently, the registration of properties in the Cyclades and in Rethymno, in Crete has begun, and as such, owners of properties or beneficiaries of rights on properties located in those regions are required to submit their declarations, within the following timeframes:

For properties which are located on the Greek islands of the Cyclades, and more particularly in the municipalities of :
– Andros
– Thira (Santorini)
– Anafi
– Ios
– Sikinos
– Folegandros
– Kea
– Kythnos
– Milos
– Serifos
– Mykonos
– Naxos and Small Cyclades
– Amorgos
– Paros and Antiparos
– Tinos

The declarations must be submitted:
– Before the 5th of October 2021 for residents in Greece
– before the 5th of January 2022 for residents abroad

For properties located in Crete in the Region of Rethimno, in the municipalities of:
– Agios Vasileios
– Amari
– Anogeia
– Mylopotamos
– Rethymno

The declarations must be submitted
– before the 30th of September 2021 for residents in Greece
– before the 30th of December 2021 for residents abroad.

Non- registration or non- timely registration of property rights by owners or beneficiaries of registrable rights, may result in penalties, difficulties in proceeding to real estate transactions and/or even in the property being classified as belonging to an “unknown owner”, notwithstanding the fact that such rights may be registered under the old registration system at the local Mortgage Registry. It is thus very important for owners of properties or beneficiaries on rights on properties located in the above regions to register their rights within the abovementioned deadlines.

Our legal team is fully qualified and able to advise you and assist you in connection with the registration of your rights on properties located in Greece. We may also proceed to a verification of whether your rights have been registered and/ or have been registered properly.

For more information on the foregoing, please email us at


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